Shui Tianzhong (Former Director of the Fine Art Institute, Chinese National Academy of Arts; Art Critic)
Artist's increasing interest in traditional cultural resource is one of the features in the development of China’s paintings. To embrace and absorb traditional art with personalized artistic criterion has become a new approach to innovation. Gu Liming studies the traditional culture and folk art from a modern art perspective, and reconstructs the vibrant colors and spiraling lines in a folk Woodblock New Year prints into modern forms with abstract significance. Bright colors turn out to be harmonious and condensed, yet still full, and the meaning of folk tradition in the subject fades, thus utility of the subject decompose to pure art with strong expression of forms. While people are trying to save the extinguishing folk arts, Gu Liming has revitalized ancient art forms with new themes. Embracing the long-time tradition in innovated forms is no doubt a significant step for China's painting at the dawn of a new century. (2011)
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